Being a member of J-A-C Electric Cooperative brings additional value to your energy purchase power. Electric cooperatives are unique in comparison to investor-owned and municipal-owned power companies. You are one of the owners of this company and you may vote to select Directors and share in Cooperative margins. J-A-C operates on a non-profit basis. Any profit (margin) that may be accumulated after all operating costs have been paid, will be refunded to the
members, proportionately, based on the number of kilowatt hours used and when deemed feasible by the Board of Directors.
Members receive the monthly publication "Texas Co-op Power" which includes local information about your cooperative. A listing of telephone numbers to call for after-hours service is included in each issue of the magazine. Servicemen answer the trouble calls on a rotating basis, so be sure to look at the current issue to direct your call to the designated "on call" linemen. You may also call the cooperative and receive a recorded message for the
current after-hours servicemen.

Electric Cooperatives are Your Best Choice for Electric Service
Owners: Since J-A-C is a member-owned utility, the co-op has a vested interest in its member's satisfaction. Shareholders own investor-owned utilities, so an IOU's primary responsibility is to its shareholders, not its customers.
Board Members: J-A-C member/owners select board members (also member/owners) who set policies on J-A-C's operation. Through the board members you elect, you have a voice in the cooperative's operation.
Size: J-A-C is smaller so it reacts more quickly to changes or needs. J-A-C linemen live in the areas in which they work. They are caring not only for co-op members, but for their neighbors as well. During an outage, it is easier for J-A-C to get crews on location.
Service: J-A-C promotes service. The cooperative is willing to pay the price to provide superior service. Line workers drive their work trucks home every night so they can be readily available to restore power quickly during an outage.
Rates: Historically, J-A-C has provided consumers with one of the lowest power bills in the area.